Don’t get left behind. Our search engine optimisation packages keep you in the spotlight.
Search engine optimisation, also known as SEO, is the art of getting your web pages high spots on the results pages you see when you type a query into a search engine. It’s an extraordinarily diverse and challenging area of business promotion, and it needs an expert and steady hand. Our IT services include SEO for business clients. We’ll take your web presence and make it felt where it matters – right in front of your target audience.
We find your market
Knowing your audience is key to successful marketing. That’s why we employ some of the best market analysts in the business. Before we so much as look at your website, we analyse your consumers. We find out who they are, where they hang out, and what they want from your communications and content. Then we give it to them. We work with high calibre writers and marketing professionals to deliver on and off page content that inspires your audience to share links to your web pages.
We refine your content
Content – video, images, and words – is the bedrock of your SEO campaign. Our talented marketers and writers join forces with web developers and media designers to bring you the best of online engagement. From killer video clips and blog posts that just demand to be shared, to on page content that cuts to the heart of who you are and what you do, our creative IT services team transforms your content from basic to brilliant.
We define your keywords
Within your content, we’ll include key words and phrases to attract the attention of the search engines. Our researchers define your keywords by looking at the phrases your competitors use, and analysing similar phrases that attract high audience quantities without forcing you into expensive competition with the other brands in your market. We’ll also look at the words and phrases your consumers use most frequently when searching for your products and services.
We make your site more search engine friendly
The way your site is built can have a massive effect on your search engine results. We make sure the back end of your site is as clean and attractive as the front end. We’ll clean out old code, make sure all of your files are sensibly arranged and named, and analyse your meta descriptions and tags to ensure they’re as SEO-friendly as possible.
We redesign your pages
The way your site looks is as important to a search engine as the words on its pages. Modern search engines are able to take snapshots of your pages, using text recognition routines to work out what the different blocks of text and images are about. A site that fails to take the preferences of the human eye into account, or which throws too much information together on a single page, is likely to be penalised. Our web developers will redesign your pages for optimal cleanness, functionality and relevance.