Making your Cloud experience easier
Our IT support London service designs responsive Cloud solutions for all sizes and types of business user. A private Cloud is completely secure – a business-owned Cloud with no links to the outside world. We can build you a private Cloud using your own hardware and infrastructure: or we can create a secure Cloud for you that’s hosted in our own servers.
Working with your existing capabilities
Our IT support London team will work with the IT capabilities you already have, recommending an internally run or an externally run private Cloud solution depending on the hardware you already use and the space you have available. A secure private Cloud can require a large amount of hardware space, to accommodate the servers that store and run it – if you have neither the space nor the budget for such a large undertaking, we’ll recommend that you let us store and run your Cloud remotely using our high security server array.
Effortlessly building complex solutions
A private Cloud is a complex business solution, which has to exactly replicate the way your business works in a secure online environment. That means building applications that operate common business tasks on your behalf, and tying your existing software and database requirements into a Cloud environment. Our IT support London team works extremely closely with you to develop a total understanding of the way your business works, and will translate that functionality into your private Cloud.
Externally run, completely secure
Often, the most cost effective solution for our private Cloud customers is to have us build and run an enclosed Cloud for them using our own hardware. This sidesteps the need for ploughing significant investment into large onsite data centres, which require expensive maintenance and regular upgrading. Ask us about private Cloud solutions using our existing hardware, and save yourself time and money.
Private Cloud solutions run from our hardware are protected by multiple layers of encryption. Benefit from the latest security without incurring the costs.
A Cloud solution with no public connections
Unlike unified or public Cloud solutions, which are connected into the web based Cloud, your private Cloud solution is completely segregated from the outside world. That means total protection for your files and business information. The only people who can get into your private Cloud are the employees you give the access to. And with a self-sufficient architecture, there’s no need for you to worry about links to other Clouds: there aren’t any.
More security, total speed
Your security is automatically enhance when you opt for a private Cloud solution: and your service speeds are ramped up too. Because the private Cloud is separate from other networks, you’ll never have to share download speeds or memory with external clients. You won’t be sharing software solutions with other Cloud users – and you won’t have to share hardware with them either. Even if you use hardware owned by us, your occupation will be ring-fenced so no other user has access to the same disks and servers as you.