25 Million Strains of Malware Identified in 2009
“More than 25 million new strains of malware were created last year, says PandaLabs. According to the security vendor’s Annual Malware Report, the number of new versions of malware identified has topped the 15 million identified throughout the company’s 20-year history.”
This is extremely big number and it keeps growing rapidly. This means all cleanup programs must work longer and scan for more and more spyware each year.
This big number includes spyware, malware and other bad stuff that can infect you computer. After infection it can spread to other computer devices, other laptops via many ways. One of them is email, others – USB or memory stick, external hard drive, voice chat software.
To avoid spyware – keep your antivirus up to date. We recommend top quality antivirus programs such as Kaspersky antivirus.
Don’t download unknown programs from internet. Try to avoid websites with phishing or spyware on them.
Regularly delete your temporary files. Most of malware hides in temporary internet folder. So it is very good idea to clean it up.
Uninstall all unknown programs. But be careful with that. You can uninstall drivers required for windows to work properly. If you don’t know what you are doing – leave it to professionals.
If you still have problem with malware, our computer repair engineers can get rid of all kind of spyware. We do call out computer cleanup service or you can bring computer to us for repairs.
Computer or laptop cleanup takes around 2 hours to complete (depending on computer speed). Please call us to get computer cleanup quote.